Importimport{ Slider }from"antd"; |
Sourcecomponents/slider |
Importimport{ Slider }from"antd"; |
Sourcecomponents/slider |
To input a value in a range.
Common props ref:Common props
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
autoFocus | Whether get focus when component mounted | boolean | false | |
classNames | Semantic structure className | Record<SemanticDOM, string> | - | 5.10.0 |
defaultValue | The default value of slider. When range is false, use number, otherwise, use [number, number] | number | [number, number] | 0 | [0, 0] | |
disabled | If true, the slider will not be intractable | boolean | false | |
keyboard | Support using keyboard to move handlers | boolean | true | 5.2.0+ |
dots | Whether the thumb can drag over tick only | boolean | false | |
included | Make effect when marks not null, true means containment and false means coordinative | boolean | true | |
marks | Tick mark of Slider, type of key must be number , and must in closed interval [min, max], each mark can declare its own style | object | { number: ReactNode } | { number: { style: CSSProperties, label: ReactNode } } | |
max | The maximum value the slider can slide to | number | 100 | |
min | The minimum value the slider can slide to | number | 0 | |
range | Dual thumb mode | boolean | false | |
reverse | Reverse the component | boolean | false | |
step | The granularity the slider can step through values. Must greater than 0, and be divided by (max - min) . When step is null but exist marks , the valid point will only be the mark , min and max | number | null | 1 | |
styles | Semantic structure style | Record<SemanticDOM, React.CSSProperties> | - | 5.10.0 |
tooltip | The tooltip relate props | tooltip | - | 4.23.0 |
value | The value of slider. When range is false, use number, otherwise, use [number, number] | number | [number, number] | - | |
vertical | If true, the slider will be vertical | boolean | false | |
onChangeComplete | Fire when mouseup or keyup is fired | (value) => void | - | |
onChange | Callback function that is fired when the user changes the slider's value | (value) => void | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
draggableTrack | Whether range track can be drag | boolean | false | - |
editable | Dynamic edit nodes, can't be used with draggableTrack | boolean | false | 5.20.0 |
minCount | The minimum count of nodes | number | 0 | 5.20.0 |
maxCount | The maximum count of nodes | number | - | 5.20.0 |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
autoAdjustOverflow | Whether to automatically adjust the popup position | boolean | true | 5.8.0 |
open | If true, Tooltip will show always, or it will not show anyway, even if dragging or hovering | boolean | - | 4.23.0 |
placement | Set Tooltip display position. Ref Tooltip | string | - | 4.23.0 |
getPopupContainer | The DOM container of the Tooltip, the default behavior is to create a div element in body | (triggerNode) => HTMLElement | () => document.body | 4.23.0 |
formatter | Slider will pass its value to formatter , and display its value in Tooltip, and hide Tooltip when return value is null | value => ReactNode | null | IDENTITY | 4.23.0 |
Name | Description | Version |
blur() | Remove focus | |
focus() | Get focus |
Token Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
controlSize | Height of slider | number | 10 |
dotActiveBorderColor | Border color of dot when active | string | #91caff |
dotBorderColor | Border color of dot | string | #f0f0f0 |
dotSize | Size of dot | number | 8 |
handleActiveColor | Border color of handle when active | string | #1677ff |
handleActiveOutlineColor | Outline color of handle when active | string | rgba(22,119,255,0.2) |
handleColor | Color of handle | string | #91caff |
handleColorDisabled | Color of handle when disabled | string | #bfbfbf |
handleLineWidth | Border width of handle | string | number | 2 |
handleLineWidthHover | Border width of handle when hover | string | number | 2.5 |
handleSize | Size of handle | number | 10 |
handleSizeHover | Size of handle when hover | number | 12 |
railBg | Background color of rail | string | rgba(0,0,0,0.04) |
railHoverBg | Background color of rail when hover | string | rgba(0,0,0,0.06) |
railSize | Height of rail | number | 4 |
trackBg | Background color of track | string | #91caff |
trackBgDisabled | Background color of track when disabled | string | rgba(0,0,0,0.04) |
trackHoverBg | Background color of track when hover | string | #69b1ff |